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LED truck screen

LED truck screen

As a mobile advertising and promotion medium, LED car screens have excellent stability, reliability, high brightness, high protection level, anti-static, lightning protection and other characteristics, which are used by a wide range of businesses, enterprises, and social groups for advertising. The long-term market demand for LED car screens is mainly due to the fact that the display has been in a mobile state. Compared with the fixed display screen, the information dissemination range, audience and coverage area are wider, and the dissemination ability is stronger, bringing customers The effectiveness of advertising is greatly increased.

 Visual display LED car screen characteristics

●LED car screen audience level: mobile display advertising has strong communication power and good effect. For the car display, it has been in a state of motion, advertising information is spread more widely, and has a stronger dissemination capability and a larger coverage area than a fixed platform.


●Because the LED car screen is installed on a moving car, there will be some weak pulling power every time the brake starts and turns. Similarly, when the car starts, brakes, and stops, it will cause transient power supply voltage instability, which may burn the screen. In order to avoid such problems, the visual display adopts a stable dedicated on-board power supply to ensure the safe use of the display screen, and stable positioning and installation to ensure the stability and reliability of the on-board display screen.



●LED car screens are prone to static electricity during the operation of the car, especially in the period of high static electricity in autumn and winter, electric sparks can easily damage the IC and LED lamp beads; in addition, the screen that is driving outside in a thunderstorm is to avoid lightning strikes, and the visual display adopts good protection. Static electricity, lightning protection, waterproof devices and measures to ensure the smooth use of the display.



●The LED car adopts high-quality lamp beads, and the high-brightness display screen ensures that the people outside the car can clearly experience the display screen and content under the dazzling sun and strong ultraviolet rays.

●Compared with conventional fixed screens, LED vehicles have strong stability, lightning-proof, shock-proof, dust-proof, anti-interference and other characteristics. As an extension of advertising media, they are widely used in mobile information advertising, event advertising, image advertising, and event broadcasting Waiting for trucks, trucks and other transportation vehicles.